Thursday, July 16, 2009


Our garden is growing like gangbusters!
We've had cooler than
normal temperatures!
We've had lots and lots of rain!
And, now we have this....
(bare with ...there are lots of photo's)

This is the corn patch!

If you look closely you will see
the little tassels of the baby corn
starting to peep their heads out!

Here's the potato patch!
Hopefully there are potatoes growing
underneath ...the tops sure look great!

Just a snippet of the whole garden! If you remember this, The Urban Farmer then you'll understand my bewilderment in where I thought all these plants were going to go! Half my backyard is now farm land!

There is also lots of squash growing
here and there among the corn and also
a few plants in my front yard.
I do believe The Urban Farmer overestimated what
he thought he needed to fill the garden space!

There are carrots and onions!

And peas, beans and tomatoes. So with so much growing ...
there is bound to be some of this....


We are already picking some of the
sweet peas! So you start with a few of these.
Trim the ends! Then blanch for
90 seconds! Yes, just 90 seconds!
Then you cool with cold water and ice.
After that you put them in your freezer
bags and they are ready for the freezer!
If you are growing a garden, you might
be interested in this
I also purchased this at my local grocery store.
I didn't want to invest in an expensive vacuum sealing
machine. This cost about 14 bucks and the bags are
about $3.50 per box of 14 quart size!
Works for me!

Hope you've enjoyed a bit (okay ...a lot) of our garden!
So, tell me how does your garden grow?


Lulu said...

wow, what a lovely garden filled with goodies..

Laura said...

Ummmm... dinner is going to be good over the next several months! The Urban Farmer doesn't know the strength of his green thumb!

What a great idea that mini vacuum is, I'm going to look for one too!

Di Overton said...

My garden grows too slowly for my liking. Everything is new after a major extension to the cottage and I want it to look old and worn in but everything is small and lightweight.

Kathleen Grace said...

ow! Your garden looks so great. We didn't put as much in as we should have but I have yellow beans ready to pick (which reminds me, I need to go do that)!