Since summer is now upon us and the temperature's are rising. I thought I'd share just a few photo's of my backyard. A few weeks ago we planted the final 'Aspen' trees ...5 more to be exact. That brings our total Aspen in the backyard to 12. We also added a nectarine tree, and transplanted two lilac bushes. I can now officially say that our backyard is done! No more planting's done's complete's devine!
Next spring we start adding to the front yard ...but that's another story!

And ....what garden would be without Marigolds? The are so vibrant and a good summer staple!

And ...what garden would be without a cat! This is Miss Lilly ...she loves spending lazy days in the summer sun!

The last of the spring time poppies scattered among the garden.

My 'mushroom' garden you see any little fairies? They usually only play at night!

And ...finally! This is the beautiful view from my backyard! And ....yes ....that is snow that you see covering the tops of the mountains.
I can't imagine a more beautiful place to be my garden!
Lots of pretties in your garden and what a spectacular view of the snow capped mountains
Ok, really? An outdoor chandelier AND a mountain view? I'm totally jealous now. :)
What a lovely post and your view is awesome. And a chandelier--now that's truly a fun and elegant detail!
WOW! I love your view..It is awe inspiring! Your garden looks wonderful too. We have an old copper firepit, that I plan on turning into a planter too! Your's looks great.
Thanks for posting the beautiful garden and mountain pictures. Not much gardening for me this year so I enjoyed yours even more.
Just lovely! I do see the faeries and I love that mushroom garden, I want to play there! Please pat Miss Lilly for me!
How lovely to have a chandelier in your garden
I just love the mushroom garden! I plan on making one with Isabella and Gianna when they are a bit older. After all, we have to worry about making nice homes for fairies too!
LOVE the chandelier outside! What a beautiful idea! I would LOVE to see it glowing just as the sun is going down, I bet it's a bit of heaven out there!
Laura B.
Looks like Summer suits your garden well!
Looks beautiful to me! That chandelier really adds some bling, love it! Great view!
Your view is inspiring Alice...just lovely. I agree that Marigolds are so lovely. I haven't had them in years but I love them.
Your yard is just gorgeous, and the view of the mountains...amazing.
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