Friday, November 20, 2009



 Miss Susan B. Anderson

Yesterday, I had the great honor to meet 
one of the most talented woman in the knitting arts.  
That's right! She was here in Salt Lake City
at The Wool Cabin for a book signing of 
her latest book ''Itty-bitty Toys.  
The Wool Cabin also offered a limited number
of seats to take a two hour class with Miss Susan B;
and I was able to snag a seat! 
She shared a new little pattern, just for those attending.

It was fantastic ...and now I realize 
I do not need to be intimidated 
by new knitting patterns. 
She made it all so easy and her patterns from this book are  ......


A larger than life size cover of her new book!

These are adorable little pincushions which are offered here.

The display table was chock full of the 
cutiest little critters from Susan's new book.

There were little duckies!

There were little puppies!

and ...this is what we made in class!
This cute little bunny!

 But, wait there is a surprise!
You turn the little bunny inside out..... becomes a little chick!
Now how adorable is that? 
I'm off to knit my next Itty-Bitty Toy project.
I hope you all enjoyed my visit with Miss Susan B! 


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What fun! She is such an amazing artist! Her designs are so cute! How lucky to get to meet her! Thanks for sharing!

Ruth Welter said...

Hey Alice,

What a feast for the eyes, thanks for sharing these photos. Would you believe, I've always wanted to get into knitting but have been a bit afraid. Yesterday I went with my sister in law (a veteran knitter) to an actual knitting store and she and the owner helped me pick out a beginners book, yarn and some needles. I've excited...cannot wait to try it. Thanks as always for the wonderful inspiration.
