My birthday was Wednesday!
Family and I were getting
ready to
go out to dinner to celebrate!
Number One Son came to the door
and said he was just stopping
in to see if we were ready to leave.
Then he said ....
'somebody is out here wanting
to know if they could
come in and use the restroom.'
I was a little confused,
a little like what the heck?
And, then I looked out the
front window and look who was there....

My B E A U T I F U L Darling Daughter!
She was my surprise!
The whole family was in on it ...
everyone but me!
A total surprise!
Darling Daughter and
Sweet Hubby had
been conspiring
since January!
They made all the arrangements
and Daughter Dear
flew in from California
just for my birthday!
No gift on earth could have
been better than this one!
What a huge surprise and
what a wonderful gift!
Needless to say ....
I had a MAGNIFICANT birthday!
What a wonderful surprise to get a visit from your daughter. If I haven't already said it...
"Happy Birthday".
Happy belated birthday, Alice! Your story gave me goosebumps! You deserve that beautiful surprise!
The perfect birthday gift :)
Happiest Birthday to your lovely Daughter.
I want to thank you so much. I received the OWOH package today. Your shawl is lovely. I have posted it on my blog. Thank you!!!!!
So I get busy in my world Alice I come back and you have spiffed everything up!! It looks great and you are right your daughter is beautiful and deserves lots of Birthday goodness..Jennifer
What a wonderful birthday surprise!! Happy Birthday!
Happy birth day dear Alice and I love your surprise!!! There is nothing better that a gift so precious!
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