The 'Swashbuckling Pirate Soiree' has ended quite too soon I must say. Though I still seem to be sailing the ocean seas. I do hope to complete my journey soon, it's just that there was pirate business that needed tending, so I've been absent for awhile. The Soiree was and still is a wonderful journey visiting all the fair maidens who participated in the high seas adventure. I am truely amazed at the wonderful talent that these fair maidens hold. The Soiree has been a grand adventure and I applaud all the fair maidens who exhibited their treasures of gold and silver.
This adventure would not have taken place, thus it weren't for the Queen herself. You can still sail on over to The Ribboned Crown ...Donna still has the links to all the fair maidens who attended this 'Pirate Soiree'. http://donnaobrien.typepad.com/the_ribboned_crown/

I thank you Ms. Donna for the grand high seas adventure and letting us all participate in the party!
One final note....I won! Yes, indeed. The Queen herself drew my name from the treasure chest and I won! I can hardly believe it....but there amongst the silver and gold was my name!
I'm so tickled you won--congratulations! Although I didn't participate, I have to say this pirate adventure was absolutely awesome. And you're right, there are some fabulous creations inspired by the theme. I love everything.
You lucky girl! How fun is that?!
Congratulations on your win. The Pirate adventures was so magical.
Ooh how exciting!!
Can't wait to see what your prize is.
What happened? Where's my dagger and my bottle of rum? You're right...it ended much too fast and I got lost somewhere between the treasure chest and skull island...Thanks so much for visiting!
What fun!
Just wanted to stop by and wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!
Hugs and Blessings,
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